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Common Injuries Seen in Corpus Christi Head-On Collisions

Common Injuries Seen in Corpus Christi Head-On Collisions

If you are involved in a head-on collision, there is no question that the accident scene can be confusing and chaotic. You or someone in your vehicle may have experienced significant injuries that require immediate medical attention. 

The injuries that occur in head-on collisions may require long-term recovery periods, which can result in financial and emotional strain for you and your family. If you find yourself in this situation, our legal team at The Burkett Law Firm is here to help. We can review your case and help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Head-On Collisions

As mentioned above, head-on collisions can be devastating. Here are some of the most common causes of these accidents:

  • Fatigue: Sometimes, a head-on collision occurs because a driver fell asleep or was drowsy. Unfortunately, cases of drowsy driving happen more often than many people realize. This is especially the case for truck drivers who must travel long distances without many breaks.
  • Impaired driving: Impaired driving is another common cause of head-on collisions. Drinking alcohol or doing drugs before driving can cause disorientation. It can also impair driver judgment and cause serious and even fatal accidents.
  • Distracted driving: Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of accidents across the country. Today, there are more distractions than ever, which means drivers are missing road signs, traffic signals, and hazards resulting in serious collisions.

Common Injuries Seen in Head-On Collisions

Now that you understand some of the most common causes of head-on collisions, you can learn about some of the most common injuries that occur in this type of accident. If you are involved in a head-on collision with a negligent driver, you can file a car accident claim and recover compensation for your injuries and other losses.

The most common injuries seen in head-on collisions include the following:

Head Injuries

It is not uncommon for someone in a head-on collision to hit their head on a solid surface during impact. This includes the dash, steering wheel, windshield, or something else. If this happens, it is not unusual to experience a head injury. Sometimes, the injury will be minor, such as a concussion; however, in other cases, it can lead to a TBI (traumatic brain injury).

Facial Injuries

Facial injuries are also common in head-on collisions. Even if the airbag deploys, you may experience injuries to your jawbone, cheekbone, chin, and eye socket. Your face may be smashed into the vehicle’s dash or hit with other solid objects in the vehicle. This is the main cause of facial injuries in a head-on collision.

Internal Injuries

Another type of injury that is common in a head-on collision is an internal injury. These include damage to your organs like the spleen, kidneys, lungs, heart, and others. In many cases, these injuries result in internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening if it is not treated immediately.

Back and Spinal Injuries

Because head-on collisions cause extreme force when the vehicles collide, it is not unusual to experience back and spinal injuries. The most serious of these include torn ligaments or muscles, fractures, herniated discs, and paralysis. Sometimes, injuries to the neck and back are some of the most serious because they can take months to heal fully, and there are situations when the person will never regain full body function.


When a head-on collision occurs, it is common for your head and neck to move forward and back quickly and with force. When this happens, and the body remains in place, whiplash occurs. Depending on the severity of the accident, your neck and shoulders may be twisted forcefully, which can cause the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in your neck to stretch so much that they tear. While whiplash is not considered a serious injury, it can take months to fully heal and cause significant pain and discomfort.

Get Help with Your Head-On Collision Lawsuit by Contacting Our Team

If you are injured in a head-on collision, you must gather evidence to prove you deserve compensation. A Corpus Christi attorney from The Burkett Law Firm can help you gather the proof needed to build a case. We will work to help you receive the compensation you deserve.

After an accident, it is not unusual to be confused and unsure of what rights you have. Our legal team can provide advice, guidance, and representation to protect your rights to compensation. The first step is to call our office to schedule a free consultation.

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